Drupal Composer Recipes
In this post we are going to share some Composer recipes we collected while working with Drupal projects created from the Drupal Composer template. Also, we will take a look on how to convert an existing Drupal project to a Composer project.
If you still don't use Composer for managing Drupal projects, you should start doing this right now! The Drupal Composer template will help you to set things up. It's really easy to setup a new project.
If you’re still not convinced, check out the benefits of the Drupal Composer workflow:
- No need to store contrib code (and the core!) in your version control system.
- A single package management tool for everything: Drupal core, contrib modules, JS libraries, your own shared modules, etc.
- Patching of core and modules is easier than ever.
- It's way simpler than git submodules.
(All recipes consider Drupal 8, but they should work for Drupal 7 as well)
Installing contrib modules
composer require drupal/<MODULE_NAME>:~8.0
to get the latest stable version (or latest dev, if there is no “stable release")composer require drupal/<MODULE_NAME>:dev-<BRANCH_NAME>
to get the latest dev versioncomposer require drupal/<MODULE_NAME>:dev-<BRANCH_NAME>#<COMMIT_HASH>
to get the exact version
Updating Drupal core/modules
composer update
to update everythingcomposer update --dry-run
to check for updatescomposer update drupal/<MODULE_NAME>
to update a single module
Patching packages
The cweagans/composer-patches plugin (which comes with the Drupal Composer template) will take patches from the "extra" section of the composer.json file:
After a new patch is added run:
composer install
to apply patchcomposer update nothing
(orcomposer update --lock
) to make the composer-patches plugin write necessary changes to the composer.lock file
Installing custom/forked modules from Github
For the case when a module repository contains its own composer.json
Register the repository in the "repositories" section of the composer.json file:
Use composer require drupal/<MODULE_NAME>:dev-<BRANCH_NAME>#<COMMIT_HASH>
to install the module.
For the case when the composer.json file is missing from the module repository
You'll need to use a bit more verbose variant:
Use composer require drupal/<MODULE_NAME>:dev-custom#<COMMIT_HASH>
to install the module.
For the case when the destination path should be different than modules/contrib
In addition to the above recipes, use the composer/installers plugin:
Adding a JS library
Most popular libraries can be added easily with composer as they exist on Packagist. The tricky part is that most Drupal modules require that libraries are saved under the "libraries" directory while Composer installs them to "vendor". The composer/installers plugin can override package paths, but only for packages that depend on it. So, you'll need to override the composer.json file of the library stating that it has the composer/installers dependency.
Let's take a look at an example:
After the above is added to the composer.json, run composer require enyo/dropzone:4.3 to download the library. Also, here we have used the exact version and added the "dist" section to make it possible for Composer to download a zip archive instead of cloning the Git repository.
Switch a dependency package to a forked version
Add the forked repository to the composer.json:
Run composer require <PACKAGE/NAME>:dev-<BRANCH_NAME>#<COMMIT_HASH>
Update an existing Drupal 8 project to use Composer
Make a backup ;)
Delete everything that will be managed by Composer: Drupal's "core" folder, contrib modules, etc.
Delete all Drupal "root" files, such as index.php, update.php, README.txt... All of them.
Create "web" directory in the project root and move all remaining Drupal folders (sites, modules, themes, libraries, profiles, etc.) into it.
Copy the Drupal Composer template files to the project root.
Prepare a list of Drupal core and contrib module versions (and everything else that will be managed by Composer) that are used currently on the project. Then run composer require specifying every dependency with the exact version. You'll need to convert Drupal versions into Composer versions, here are some examples:
is obviousdrupal/admin_toolbar:8.1.15
refers to admin_toolbar 8.x-1.15drupal/ctools:8.3.0-alpha26
refers to ctools 8.x-3.0-alpha26drupal/config_installer:dev-8.x-1.x#a16cc9acf84dd12b9714def53be0ce280a5b0c1a
refers to config_installer dev snapshot made from the a16cc9a commit of the 8.x-1.x branch
Manually update versions of Drupal core and contrib modules to "~8.0" in the "require" section of the composer.json file. That will make updates possible.
composer drupal-scaffold
which will create the Drupal "root" files. -
Make your webserver use "web" directory as the web root.